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Best Memories of 2020 and What Travel in 2021 Might be Like

2020 was a terrible year for all of us. People have lost love ones. Lives and businesses have affected badly by the pandemic. And yet in the sadness, humans always look for the positive elements. There have been plenty of articles being written about what travel will look like, specifically … Read More

Where to Go in 2021

While it appears that the first few months of 2021 will look much like last year, with expeditions to the kitchen and treks to the bathroom being the extent of our wanderings, we dare to hope to be able to travel again before too long. For this article we’ve rounded … Read More

Made in Budapest – Signature Cocktails from Budapest’s Best Bars

Budapest is perfect for experimenting. The city’s wine and craft beer selection is impressive, but it would be a mistake to miss its cocktail bars. Many offer exceptional quality, expertise, and unique interiors. Below are some of the best. [ez-toc] The High Note SkyBar’s breathtaking beauty is immediately clear once … Read More

Croatia’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites

With almost as many UNESCO World Heritage Sites as leader-of-the-pack Italy per square mile, Croatia’s packed with places of historical, cultural and natural significance. Visiting several of these places on your custom Croatia tour is a must. Without further ado, here’s all Croatia’s UNESCO Sites, listed in chronological order of … Read More

Roaming Rome, Off The Beaten Path

We firmly believe that Rome isn’t a city you only visit once. Sure the first time you go you might want to hit the highlights: the Colosseum and Roman Forum, the Sistine Chapel, the Spanish Steps and the Trevi Fountain. Maybe even the under-appreciated Pantheon. But Rome’s a city you … Read More

Crowd watching the clock on Prague's Old Town Square

Overtourism Self-Defense Tips from our Experts

Overtourism is a trending topic these days, but the growing popularity of some of the world’s most iconic destinations doesn’t have to ruin your vacation. Here we present our tips, based on many years of experience.

Vilnius Old Town from a hot air balloon

Views over Vilnius

Apart from the gradual slope from the Old Town area to Cathedral Square and the cone-shaped Castle Hill, Central Vilnius is rather flat, so it’s not hard to find places to get a panoramic view of the whole city. There are plenty of vantage points to choose from. Castle Hill … Read More

Dubrovnik old city from Minceta tower

The Best Views of Dubrovnik

Let’s face it, Dubrovnik’s old walled city is breathtaking from pretty much any angle but there are a few signature views of this jewel that stand out.

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