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Your Reading List for Berlin

This week we continue our book blog series with the legendary city of Berlin. Berlin has been the fastest-changing city in Europe since the wall came down in the late 1980s. It is the capital of Germany and the country’s largest city. From the Brandenburg Gate to the Reichstag and … Read More

Spring festivals in Europe

Spring Festivals in Central and Eastern Europe

Spring is a big deal in Central and Eastern Europe. That’s not only because many of these countries were once pagan, but also because they have to put up with a long, dark winter. So when spring finally comes around, people are ready to celebrate. Most spring festivals in Central … Read More

The Best Places for Photography in Central Europe

Many travelers in Central Europe love taking pictures of all the magnificent architecture. But as anyone who has tried it knows, there’s a big difference between the photographs you see in National Geographic and what you can do by simply pointing, snapping, and hoping for the best. It’s all about the proper … Read More

The Coolest Streets in Central Europe

Visiting a new city can be overwhelming. There’s so much to see and do, sometimes it’s hard to know where to start and how to use your time wisely. So we’ve put together this quick guide to the coolest streets in Central Europe. We’ve picked a few highlights from our … Read More

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