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Fear of Terrorism and Travel to “Eastern Europe”

In the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels, which all seem to be perpetrated by a single, or closely connected cells, and the subsequent travel alert issued by the U.S. State Department it is natural to be wary of traveling to Europe. However the differences between Western Europe and … Read More

Where to Go in 2016?

It’s that time of year again, when thoughts turn to possible spring and summer vacation destinations. Travel journalists are particularly good at coming up with lists, so we’ve collated our own list-of-lists. For travellers who prefer to tread where none of your friends have ventured before, we’ve added our own suggestions for cities that … Read More

GPS in Europe: Rent, Buy, Download or Online?

Updated July 2017 We frequently arrange rental cars for our guests to get around Croatia and Slovenia and we’re often asked about GPS so here’s the low-down: Rent Unless specified otherwise car rentals don’t normally include GPS. One reason for this is that rental companies tend to charge up to … Read More


Can you Trust TripAdvisor for Restaurant Listings?

In principle this would seem reasonable. There’s safety in numbers after all and eating out in a city you don’t know is fraught with problems and let’s face it, an appetite is a terrible thing to waste! Secret sauce TripAdvisor won’t reveal exactly how their algorithm works but the way … Read More

Private Tour Van

Private Tours vs. Group Tours

Across the various destinations we serve, we provide a combination of private day trips, city tours and excursions and group/scheduled excursions too. If you’re unsure of which way to go, we’ve prepared this article to compare the advantages and disadvantages of each. Experience There’s little doubt you’ll have a richer … Read More

Hotel, Pension or Apartment?

In some destinations we offer a selection of vacation apartment rentals, pensions and a choice of boutique and design hotels, so one of the questions we often get asked is whether we recommend guests stay in a hotel, pension or apartment. The answer is usually “it depends”. So to help … Read More

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