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Our Central & Eastern Europe Travel Blog

JayWay Travel Blog Archive, Page 3 of 47

Three Days in Tirana with Lorina

For most people their initial impression of Tirana is that it’s a chaotic city. That perception isn’t totally wrong, but at the same time that chaos is a sign of the city’s youthfulness and vibrancy.  Tirana’s welcoming vibes and lively atmosphere will definitely make you want to return. Welcome to … Read More

The Best Food & Wine Experiences In and Around Dubrovnik

For many centuries, Dubrovnik was considered the crossroads between Eastern and Western Europe due to its port being the most lively in the South Adriatic. Southern Croatia’s cultural heritage today is not only known for its beautiful architecture, but the unique gastronomy developed here plays an important part of everyday … Read More

Know Before You Go: Language Basics

Whenever you travel to a non-English-speaking country, it’s natural to feel like a bit of a fish out of water. It’s getting a lot easier to get by without speaking the local language as English levels seem to be on the rise everywhere, but it’s always worth learning a few … Read More

All About Peka

When someone asks for a quintessential Croatian dish, almost all Croatians will say – peka. However, peka is actually a way of cooking rather than a food. It involves cooking some sort of meat or seafood and vegetables slowly under an iron or clay lid that is shaped like a … Read More

Europe’s Darkest Tourism Sites

Dark tourism is defined as tourism involving visiting places associated with tragedy, death and grave suffering. The faces of evil can be traced all around the world. The following sites from arguably the darkest period of Europe’s history, WWII, stand today open for visitors as eternal mementos, reminding the public … Read More

Sustainable Souvenir Shopping in Budapest

Bring home guilt-free reminders of your travels to distant lands by seeking out sustainable souvenirs. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill mugs and magnets selection! Here are some of the most eco-friendly places to shop while you’re in Budapest. Fashion and designer Dressing up nicely and wearing cool accessories can lift us … Read More

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