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Our Central & Eastern Europe Travel Blog

JayWay Travel Blog Archive, Page 36 of 47

The 8 Best Croatian Souvenirs

Packing a fabulous meal or a bit of the turquoise sea into your bag probably won’t fly. But you can bring home something from your Croatian vacation that will remind you of the warmth of the people and the country. Many of these souvenirs are place-dependent, so if something catches your eye, … Read More

Three Tantalizing Tallinn Day Trips

Lahemaa National Park If the call of Estonian nature is too beautiful to resist, Lahemaa National Park is waiting to answer. Waterfalls, stream, forests and lakes are scattered around the 725 square kilometer park, and don’t miss the historic sites there either, Palmse and Sagadi Manors. One of the most interesting … Read More

Palace of Tears, Berlin

Exploring Berlin’s Cold War History

If you are looking to get a deeper understanding of the Cold War while visiting Berlin, we highly recommend taking our Cold War walking tour. Much of it is centered on the Berlin Wall, and not only will you gain a more multi-layered view of this construction, you’ll also learn … Read More

Celebrating St. Martin’s in Prague

Goose and wine are the stars of this November 11 holiday celebrated across the Czech Republic. If you are familiar with the French tradition of Beaujolais you already know pretty much what will happen on St. Martin’s Day. At 11am on November 11, bottles of Svatomartinské víno (St. Martin’s wine) … Read More

Dubrovnik’s Good Food Festival

We talk a lot about Croatia’s fabulous food but we can’t help it. We like food and just thinking about the freshness and flavor makes our mouths water. And now there’s a food festival dedicated to all their delicious cuisines, aptly titled the Good Food Festival. The festival is in … Read More

KGB Museum Vilnius

The official name of the museum is The Museum of Genocide Victims but locals refer to it as the KGB Museum. Regarded by most guidebooks as a must-see, we tend to agree, with the proviso that some will have a problem with the chilling nature of such an exhibition. The … Read More

Lighting Up Berlin

Berlin plays host to not one but two(!) festivals of light this October, guaranteed to brighten your view of the German capital with the days getting shorter. Festival of Lights Oct 10-19 The Festival of Lights transforms Berlin’s world famous landmarks, cultural monuments, historical buildings, streets and other locations including … Read More

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