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Three Days in Prague with Sasha

We asked Sasha, a member of our team in Prague, how she would spend three days with a friend new to the city. She went ahead and not only gave us three full days, but threw in the first night after landing for free! [ez-toc] I fell in love with Prague … Read More

Expert Interview: Evan Rail

Evan Rail is one of the world’s foremost beer writers and a regular contributor to the New York Times ’36 Hours In…’ series of travel articles. I first started reading his restaurant reviews in the no-longer-in-print Prague Post back in the early 2000s, He’s still based in Prague but travels all … Read More

Pilsen, Czech Republic: 2015 Capital of Culture

Each year in Europe, two ‘capitals of culture’ are named. The idea originated back in the 1980s to bring together European nations and are a wonderful way for lesser known cities to promote their culture and traditions. They are also positive economically thanks to infrastructure improvements and a boost in … Read More

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