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Lipizzan horses

Where to Find the Legendary Lipizzan Horses

Even if you’ve never heard of Lipizzan horses, you probably know what they look like. These beautiful white horses are practically the stuff of legend. The breed dates back to the 16th century, when they were intended for the Hapsburg royal family. A village in modern-day Slovenia, Lipica, or Lipizza in Italian, … Read More

Gone Glamping: Luxury Lakeside Camping

We have some truly unique properties among our offering, such as the Bond-like cliff-face hotel Villa Dubrovnik, the imposingly grand Gresham Palace in Budapest or the landmark site-turned-hotel in Prague’s Dancing House but nothing is quite like Garden Village Bled. Wait, what’s glamping? If you’ve never heard of glamping, well Garden … Read More

Where to Go in 2016?

It’s that time of year again, when thoughts turn to possible spring and summer vacation destinations. Travel journalists are particularly good at coming up with lists, so we’ve collated our own list-of-lists. For travellers who prefer to tread where none of your friends have ventured before, we’ve added our own suggestions for cities that … Read More

Slovenia for Foodies

Slovenia is a country of contrasts. You can have a mountain adventure in the Julian Alps, experience culture and a lively street scene in Ljubljana or sun yourself on the country’s tiny bit of coast in Slovene Istria. These distinctions also extend to the country’s cuisine. The small country boasts … Read More

Czech Philharmonic

Where to Buy Event Tickets in Europe

Once you’ve booked your European vacation package the next thing to do is work out what you’re doing with your spare time. We’re often asked by our guests where they can buy tickets for cultural events, festivals and concerts so we’ve compiled this list of the most comprehensive and official … Read More

Lake Bohinj

Bled & Bohinj Lakes: A Day Trip from Ljubljana

If you’re staying in Ljubljana then a day trip out to these beautiful lakes is an absolute must. In less than an hour’s drive north-west of the city you can be at Lake Bled. Try and avoid weekends though, as when we were there last time (on a Sunday) the traffic getting out of the Bled area was heavy and finding parking wasn’t easy either. It seemed like all of Ljubljana was there!

Once you’re at Lake Bled, there are many ways to spend the day. To get the very best view of the lake you’ve got to take a hike to (or drive to the car park of) Bled Castle. Standing guard over the lake since 1004, its elevated position affords breathtaking vistas or the Julian Alps to the north and over the lake and of the island in the middle. Entrance is a hefty 10 Euros. Students get a 3 Euro discount.

Back down to the lakeside next you can choose to rent a bike and cycle the circumference, it’s just over 4 miles so shouldn’t take long and could even be walked comfortably in under a couple of hours. If it’s a hot day, head to the ‘Castle Bathing Area’ directly below the castle rock, the only official designated swimming area on the lake.

If you’d rather take to the water by boat, then you can either take a Pletna, the traditional flat-bottomed boat, out to the island – it’s a 12 Euro round trip, or if you’re feeling energetic, row yourself out there. Rowboat rental costs €15 for the first hour and €10 for each subsequent hour.

If all that exercise has worked up an appetite then you could do worse than taking a table on the informal terrace of Villa Preseren and ordering a full meal, just a starter (the trio of octopus salad, smoked tuna carpaccio and caprese was a good selection last time) or a coffee and a slice the irresistible kremšnita, the creamy sweet cake that Bled is known for.

If you have time, then we definitely recommend the 15 minutes or so drive further on that will take you to Lake Bohinj. Whereas Bled is very  developed, with plenty of hotels, cafes and restaurants, Bohinj is much more natural and peaceful.

Planning a trip to Slovenia? We’d love to put together a Slovenia travel package just for you. Get in touch to find out more!


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