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Tbilisi in 72 hours

Welcome to Tbilisi. You’ve probably heard about Georgia’s warm hospitality, and you’re going to experience the very best of Tbilisi in the following days. Arrival Day: (late afternoon arrival) The best introduction to a city is to look at it from above, it brings a map to life! We’re going … Read More

Three Days in Rome with Giorgia

As part of our 72 Hours In series we asked Giorgia, our woman in Rome, to tell us where she’d send a foreign friend on their first visit to Italy’s magnificent capital city and her hometown. Take it away Giorgia… There are some things in Rome that you really can’t … Read More

Three Days in Vilnius with Ilona

Full of memorable food, early modern architecture, and memorable vistas, Vilnius packs a lot into its Old Town, to say nothing of the rest of the city, and its surroundings. We asked Ilona, a native of Vilnius, how she’d spend 72 hours showing a first time visitor around in her … Read More

Three Days in Zagreb with Sanja

Often overlooked for the gleaming coast, Croatia’s capital is well worth a few days if you want to experience Central European city life. Our Zagreb city host Sanja will show you round.

Three Days in Budapest with Judit

Budapest is all things to all people, with plenty of sides to explore. Judit, a member of our team in Hungary’s bustling capital, wanted to delve into the city’s romantic side, without forgetting its history or excellent food. Join her on this trip on either side of the Danube, and … Read More

Three Days in Dubrovnik with Ivana

Although I live on the outskirts, during my childhood and later school & university days I can’t remember a day that I didn’t spend wandering around the streets of the Old Town. Up and down all day long – I could run up all those stairs without taking a break 🙂 … Read More

Three Days in Prague with Sasha

We asked Sasha, a member of our team in Prague, how she would spend three days with a friend new to the city. She went ahead and not only gave us three full days, but threw in the first night after landing for free! [ez-toc] I fell in love with Prague … Read More

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